CESSE Membership Options


The professional staff of STEM societies that meet the following criteria are invited to become members of CESSE:

  • The society exists to fulfill a STEM purpose or to serve the needs of a STEM audience; and 
  • The society has non-profit status consistent with its definition in the U.S. or Canada.

CEO & Staff Members

CESSE offers two levels of membership for the professional staff of a STEM society.

  • CEO membership is available to those individuals serving as the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of a STEM society. If you are unsure if you qualify for CEO membership, please email [email protected].
  • Staff membership is available to individuals in a professional (non-ED/CEO) role at a STEM society.

Dues for a CEO Membership is $170/year and for Staff Membership is $85/year.

Membership Type Details

Please select a membership option below to join.

Staff Membership

CEO Membership


Emeritus Members

A CESSE Member who has maintained an active membership for a minimum of 10 years and is fully retired from professional employment is eligible for Emeritus Membership.

  • Emeritus Members are not eligible to vote or to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. 
  • Dues for an Emeritus Membership is $80/year.

Those who meet this criterion may apply for Emeritus Membership by submitting an application or by contacting Greg Muenzer at CESSE headquarters.

Emeritus Membership (PDF)